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Download the App for China Lobster for easy online ordering, special offers, coupons and more – from the convenience of your mobile device. Check out the Happy Hour specials offered at the full bar, loyalty rewards and even a bonus offer when you download. Scroll through the mouthwatering sushi and sashimi selections, the delicious buffet, and the combo platters and chef specials. You can also pick up or request delivery if you are ordering for a crowd or a special occasion. Pan Asian cuisine that includes Chinese and Japanese favorites, lots of seafood and now a money-saving App from China Lobster.

The App from China Lobster provides:

• Easy online ordering with our mobile App
• Exclusive specials and offers
• Notifications and updates
• Digital punch card rewards
• Our media gallery

The App is FREE and you will receive your first offer soon after it is downloaded.

China Lobster brings the true taste of Pan Asian cuisine to Lower Burrell, Pennsylvania. There’s a little something for everyone – fresh sushi and sashimi, a fully stocked bar with happy hour specials, restaurant service and a buffet filled to the brim with App-etizing lunch and dinner options. The chefs are creative and if you don’t see something on the menu or buffet, chances are the chefs can create your culinary dream. Pick up a platter for the big game, bring the family in for supper, relax and enjoy food, drinks and savings when you tap the App for China Lobster.